About Crank 

Our success is not only due to the quality of our work;
it’s down to our approach and the way we treat our customers


Our story

Shift your embedded GUI development into high gear with Crank & Storyboard
As embedded UI software developers (and trail riding enthusiasts), the founders of Crank were all too familiar with the frustrations of the traditional GUI design and development process. Having to wait for others to complete their portion of the project or being asked to make last-minute design changes that required redevelopment work were just a few of the hurdles they encountered on a regular basis.  With over 25 years of industry experience, they knew there had to be a better way to innovate - and thus, Crank and Storyboard were born.
They chose to name the company after the crankset of a bike for the pivotal role it plays in transforming movement into powerful momentum for the rider, essentially making hard things easier, something they knew Storyboard would do for embedded development teams.
 Close to two decades later, Crank has continued to help revolutionize the GUI development process for development teams around the world, eliminating the pain of trying to recreate the smartphone experience on smaller microcontrollers and seamlessly integrating last-minute design changes into the application without disrupting code... or delaying delivery of the final product.

With Storyboard's intuitive all-in-one tool design, they were able to bring their innovative ideas to life and quickly become the go-to embedded GUI design and development tool for top semiconductor hardware partners and brands around the world.





Crank GUIs Launched








Cups of Coffee

Our guiding principles



Leveraging our experiences, trusting in our abilities.



We find innovative and creative solutions to problems.



We listen with a real understanding of challenges our customers face.



Learning from failures makes a better final answer.



We do what is right, not what is easy.

An award-winning platform

Storyboard, our cross-platform embedded GUI framework, makes it easy for designers and developers to work collaboratively and gives developers auto-generated code meaning they have more time to focus on vital business logic and performance optimizations.

With Storyboard, embedded product teams can now drastically reduce their development cycles, resulting in faster time to market with less cost.

Crank | AMETEK is trusted by thousands of customers, from the smallest of small to global companies, and has received many awards for its innovative embedded GUI platform.

An award-winning platform

No coding skills needed

It's true. Designers can upload their design files directly into Storyboard and start adding actions, events, and animations with no coding required.

Time and money saver

Storyboard saves you valuable hours of precious development time when introducing design iterations, saving your budget.

Commitment to success

From live chat and email support, to downloadable GUI demos and online or in-person training, our experts will make sure your project is a success.

Worldwide recognition

From Most Innovative at Embedded World to Company of the Year, Crank AMETEK is trusted across the globe.

Work hard, play hard

Crank works hard to create a culture that sustains a positive, inclusive environment and encourages crushing goals together while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Want to get in on the #CrankLife fun and work for one of Canada's Top Employers?

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Work hard, play hard

Partner with us

Join our Partner community of embedded problem-solvers: GUI designers, software developers and engineers, platform vendors, and distributors. Find a Crank AMETEK partner to work with or see how you can become a part of the growing community.


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