Lua for UI Development and Testing
Webinar: 1 hour 4 minutes
As Storyboard UI applications evolve, many begin to increase in complexity employing finer control of animations and screen objects, conditional behaviour and enhanced data interactions with the application back-end process.
With Storyboard we can add these functions and behaviours to your application model using Lua scripting across all platforms. While many of these utility Lua functions are typically clustered in a few .lua files, as the application grows the task of collaborating or managing the functionality can start to become more challenging.
During this advanced Storyboard user training session, we will cover the challenges faced as projects grow in complexity, the different uses and types of Lua coding, approaches to re-factoring Lua, and the modularization of Lua code through to examples of how to use Lua to help with testing the Storyboard UI.
This webinar will cover:
Introduction to Lua and how fits within a UI project
- Why we chose Lua for Storyboard and what it means for your application resources
- How to leverage the many Open Source Lua libraries to add functionality
- Benefits of improving application structure using Lua modules
- How to test a Storyboard UI including using Lua and the sblua utility
See Storyboard built UIs live on Toradex platforms
Download our free sample demo apps for your target device.