Lean applications

Storyboard includes capabilities designed to develop reduced-footprint applications. With a runtime streamlined for resource savings and choice between C-callback and Lua APIs, Storyboard gives you tight control over memory usage.

Clear insight into resource data

Our Performance Metrics give you insight into your embedded app’s resources while you build. This visibility allows you to develop with memory in mind while still maximizing performance and functionality.

Reduced footprint

Storyboard’s Resource Export Configuration provides actionable feedback about your application footprint that allows you to finely-tune how and what you export to your target, to get the best out of your chosen hardware platform.

Increased reusability

Storyboard helps you develop the same application for multiple platforms by turning on and off the content you need, maximizing reusability and reducing time and waste for your project.

Valid Manufacturing Primary-CMYK-PANTONE_TM
We chose Crank Software and Storyboard because they support all hardware platforms, they're affordable, and their profitability year after year shows they're not going anywhere.
Chief Engineer of Innovation
Valid Manufacturing